cat! pants!

see catpants. see catpants craft. craft, catpants, craft!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Knit for a good cause!

"Can something as simple as a knit or crochet cap help save a newborn life?

In many poor countries, the answer is yes. Four million newborns die each year within the first month of life – half within only the first 24 hours after being born.
But a package of simple health measures provided to mothers and babies worldwide, including antibiotics to fight infections, training for skilled birth attendants, immunizations against tetanus, education on breastfeeding and basic care such as drying a newborn baby and keeping it warm (this is where the caps come in!) could prevent 70 percent of these deaths.

These babies need more than caps – they need your voice, too.

The United States can lead the way in saving young lives by increasing funding for these critical health measures for mothers and children in developing countries. But we need your help. Let America’s leaders know that you’re willing to do your part, and together we can do much more."

Knit or crochet a hat for a newborn and send it (along with a letter -- prewritten or in your own words -- about why the U.S. needs to become a leader in preventative health care) to Save the Children, which will lead a rally in Washington D.C. next year. The caps will be delivered to the various countries around the world in which Save the Children operates.

There is much more information on the Save the Children website about how to get involved. I hope you join me in donating a cap or two!

[Edited to add: I'm a nerd; I made a button:

Save the image to your own server, please!]

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